July 12th, 2020: Sudomemo Weekly News - Topic:"Video Calling"

Hey there everyone, DeepRising here with the Weekly News Letter and Weekly Topic competition. Don't forget to check out next week's topic theme and the subsequent Upcoming Topics, at the end of the News Letter. And now, here are the winning Flipnotes from last week's topic "video Calling". Well done to everybody who entered.

Our Favorite Flipnotes from last weeks Topic "Video Calling"

This suave video call Flipnote by Glin, features brilliant photo lip synch and a really great voice track.

It's open for spin-offs, so why not give it a go!

ian smith has created this terrific video call photo Flipnote. On line is a series of scary, toy characters, and then Michael Myers himself!

EEEEK! It looks like Ian has just disconnected from the call.

That's probably the safest move!

An extremely annoying video caller, who insists on blowing into the phone, manages to literally blow his victim away, in this ingenious cartoon style Flipnote, by vibe check

We really enjoyed the convincing video format and dynamic action, in this combative video call by NecroBoi. Also, the voice acting and sound effects are just fantastic!

There's a serious problem with reverb, for our next video caller, in this cleverly made entry, by すずめ-☆.

We were very impressed with the use of over lapping sounds to achieve the audio.


In this chuckle-some Flipnote by Nova, a video call suffers from terrible, tunnel based interference.

We loved the clear drawing style, and the split screen design worked really well!

This Weeks Topic - "Splash"

This week's topic is all about splashes!

From jumping in a puddle, and dive bombing in a swimming pool, to the millions of tiny rain drops in falling rain, splashes can be made in many different ways, and occur in all different shapes and sizes.

How about the launching of an enormous ocean liner, that would make quite a splash! Or a water skier falling over mid run!

What's the best, or funniest way you can think of to make a really huge splash?

It could be any kind of splashing liquid, splashed in any way you can think of. The more outlandish, the better.

Studying splashes in slow motion is an excellent way to see how the water moves. It could be very interesting to try animating splashes in slow motion.

There has been some fascinating scientific studies on the fluid mechanics of water droplets splashing, with astonishing slow motion videos that show the formation of the crown (or coronet) and the back jet of the droplet splash.

Check out this article, if you want to know more!

Splash Fluid Dynamics - Wikipedia (link): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Splash_(fluid_mechanics)

There's also some amazing slow motion videos of crowning splashes in milk and water on You Tube, you might want to have a look at too.

Let's really make a splash with this topic!

Make sure to post your entries to the Weekly Topic channel Weekly Topic - Splash and the deadline for your entries is July 17th (12pm EST / 4pm GMT) Keep on Flipnoting and the best of luck with your entries.

Upcoming Topics

Topic - Hot Dogs (July 19th)

Topic - Honey Bees (July 26th)

Topic - Flapping in the Wind (August 2nd)

Topic - Steven Universe Future (August 9th)