It’s finally done! I spent a week writing and cleaning stuff down because I wanted to format everything into a comic. It felt more fun (though lengthy) that way.

Kommentare (2)
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  • CosmicGAZ's ProfilbildCosmicGAZ• 2023-10-04 22:19:05 (7806607)

    Nice, thanks for answering my questions!

  • Miguel's ProfilbildMiguel• 2023-10-04 13:43:48 (7806546)
    Gezeichneter Kommentar von Miguel
[Will$ten]'s Profilbild
4. October 2023, 01:20:46
  • Aufrufe303
  • Male heruntergeladen1
  • Kommentare2
  • Flipnote-ID9B65XC
  • KanalJournal
  • RegionAmerika

N64 ピーチサーキット 岩田恭明 2015 Anfangen bei 00:14