Im Rushing my Art and feel Selfish Doing it because People Don't Really Care About My Art

Kommentare (4)
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  • John's ProfilbildJohn• 2024-03-26 12:10:05 (7850276)

    I'm sure you'll get popular eventually, but even if you don't, it's very good! if this is rushed art then I'm sure your not rushed art is absurdly good

  • Tyson_'s ProfilbildTyson_• 2024-03-26 11:55:11 (7850274)

    Im just trying to get popular I should just stop and focus on my animations

  • John's ProfilbildJohn• 2024-03-26 11:54:05 (7850273)

    RE: you might not be popular, but your art is still very good!

  • Tyson_'s ProfilbildTyson_• 2024-03-26 11:52:42 (7850272)

    I’m just not popular that’s all

ルイージカート7's Profilbild
26. March 2024, 11:43:07
  • Aufrufe104
  • Male heruntergeladen3
  • Kommentare4
  • Flipnote-IDDSFR48
  • KanalIllustrations
  • RegionAmerika
