Kommentare (3)
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  • Dee's ProfilbildDee• 2024-05-07 03:45:03 (7862197)
    Gezeichneter Kommentar von Dee
  • ❗Mëlly!+'s Profilbild❗Mëlly!+• 2024-05-06 06:24:46 (7861923)

    Aa y'know by warning I meant telling my English is bad sorry hope you don't mind

  • ❗Mëlly!+'s Profilbild❗Mëlly!+• 2024-05-06 06:17:01 (7861921)

    Re: The people who were doing MV's I guess? I do not exactly remember their nickname but yeah they're right, it's surprises me because in 2022-2019 that was pretty active (in my opinion) and now almost everyone left without any warning.

すずめ-☆'s Profilbild
5. May 2024, 02:00:23
  • Aufrufe213
  • Male heruntergeladen2
  • Kommentare3
  • Flipnote-IDL1TW4K
  • KanalProfile Pictures
  • RegionAmerika
