Kommentare (3)
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  • Glin's ProfilbildGlin• 2020-07-01 17:25:19 (7059770)

    The loading bar is made by me ;)
    If I want, I can say to Sudofox you're a stoler ;)

  • LISA's ProfilbildLISA• 2020-07-01 10:49:47 (7059603)
    Gezeichneter Kommentar von LISA
  • Glin's ProfilbildGlin• 2020-07-01 08:23:22 (7059399)

    I can't stole a design who I create :p
    It's me, Glin, the guy who designed the Windows DSi , the original Flipnote where the loading bar is extracted here ^_^

Lisa's Profilbild
29. June 2020, 22:13:59
  • Aufrufe179
  • Male heruntergeladen2
  • Kommentare3
  • Flipnote-IDGCDZ2T
  • KanalSudomemo
  • RegionEuropa und Ozeanien
