Won't work with Sudo, sadly. I'm going to plan out the first major story arc and write out a few short ones and see where I can put them officially to view for free with potential physical copies for $5 or something, idk

Comentarios (3)
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  • Foto de perfil de FaeFae• 2022-01-31 21:51:01 (7525037)
    Comentario dibujado por Fae
  • Foto de perfil de MichaelX ツMichaelX ツ• 2022-01-31 18:18:38 (7524671)
    Comentario dibujado por MichaelX ツ
  • Foto de perfil de MichaelXMichaelX• 2022-01-31 18:16:51 (7524667)

    yo how tf is your art style so mf good like- I could never-

Foto de perfil de Yoshida~
January 31st, 2022 17:01:34
  • Vistas40
  • Descargas1
  • Comentarios3
  • Flipnote IDLYTRF8
  • CanalIllustrations
  • RegiónAméricas
