Photo de profil de Ty
À propos de Ty
The stereotypical weird art kid that, after so many years of seeing cool flipnotes, wants to create. 59FD8DF035E0D2E3
  • Rang -
  • Flipnotes6
  • Vues437
  • Sauvegardes14
  • 8
  • 3
  • Étoiles★1 ★190
Les ★ de Ty viennent de :
  • United States
  • Venezuela
  • Italy
Fans (3)
  • TintedSuns
  • Ch4r4d1c4l
  • RAY😑
Commentaires récents
  • Adr.Dahlia
  • Commentaire dessiné par Ty
    TyNot gonna lie, I just wanted to get this one done and over with, I was experimenting with styles and characters, and I don’t think it went well. Welp, onto the next.
  • Commentaire dessiné par Lucky02/Ky
    Lucky02/Kyah yes fellow human, nice to see you existing in the same plane of reality as ours in this fine morning
  • RAY😑
  • Commentaire dessiné par Carlos