This is kind of the result of what would happen. Almost the same reasons why in this flipnote, but I'm mostly not active when playing the popular "among us" game. Audio is from the "STOP POSTING ABOUT AMONG US" meme, but I modified some of the words to make it clean. I show no hate to "among us" itself.

コメント (5)
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  • Nek studioさんのプロフィール画像Nek studio• 2021-05-29 15:32:29 (7363785)

    Wait don't yet! Me and edson will maybe decide on editing the video to fit one more person into the collab! You could possibly be in it with the both of us!

  • TCB94さんのプロフィール画像TCB94• 2021-04-27 15:16:37 (7341854)


  • Nek studioさんのプロフィール画像Nek studio• 2021-04-27 14:56:53 (7341848)
    Nek studioさんのコメント
  • ItsDaDocさんのプロフィール画像ItsDaDoc• 2021-04-08 00:15:17 (7330464)
  • FabrixiOさんのプロフィール画像FabrixiO• 2021-04-07 23:41:49 (7330457)
2021/04/07 23:07:40
  • えつらん回数135
  • ダウンロード3
  • コメント5
  • 作品IDG4D1MZ
  • チャンネルAnimations
  • 地域アメリカ
