Hey there everyone, DeepRising here with the Weekly Newsletter and Weekly Topic competition.
We had a great response to last week's topic “Sudomemo’s 11th Birthday”, and a selection of our favorite winning entries are coming up.
But first a word about our ongoing fund raising activities.
We're still trying to raise more cash this month for additional Sudomemo expenditures.
If you would like to make a donation then Sudomemo Patreon is the way to go! It will really help with the upkeep and running of Sudomemo, and there’s loads of special rewards to enjoy.
Here's the link to our Sudomemo Patreon site:
Why not check it out! And thank you so much for all your support.
OK, now back to the Topic.
You can view all of the submissions for this topic on its Weekly Topic channel by clicking this link Weekly Topic - Sudomemo's 11th Birthday
If you're thinking of creating a Flipnote for the topic, check out next week's Topic theme and description. We've included ideas and inspiration to help get you started! You can also find a list of upcoming topics at the end of this newsletter.
And now, our winning Flipnotes from last week’s Topic “Sudomemo’s 11th Birthday“.
Well done to everyone who entered.
In this fabulous 11th birthday MV, a hearty bunch of fellow creator's characters sing in celebration of Sudomemo's special day!
TⒷ64☆ captures the different drawing styles and character likenesses beautifully, along with lipsynched lyrics, beat-paced editing, and seamless transitional effects.
With feet up, and remote control in hand, zed.32 surfs Sudo T.V. in this tremendous Flipnote Birthday Compilation.
Composed of numerous reduced animations set inside a hand drawn scene, with the push of a button, each Flip-Clip debuts with its accompanying audio in a wonderfully nostalgic collection of animated antics.
It’s cake baking time for the Birthday Boy, and Sudomemo’s mascot pals are ready to take up the challenge in this side-splitting comedy skit by Korrigan.
Voice-acted to perfection, the characters look great, and are put through their paces with expressive performances, and expert story telling skills.
We were in stitches from start to finish!
With a real sense of style, terror, and supernatural flare, a skeleton plays birthday trumpet greetings in this astonishing paintbrush-shaded Photo Flipnote by Vinyboiler.
It’s party time for Sudomemo, with presents, cake, and a “Happy Birthday Song” in this winning Topic entry by Tulip.
Flawlessly executed with crisp timing, colorful shading, and a crowd of Flipnote guests, the revelry goes off in fine style, with a whistle and a bang!
The rambunctious “Notesferatu” hosts his own brand of birthday jollies for the Flipnote Fox in this hilarious cartoon animation by Kip.
Swapping out FNAF’s Fazbear with the Flipnote frog makes the lyrics spot-on, and all set for the big birthday gift….
It’s a present bursting face-flan!!!
What a lovely birthday treat!
chaoticjai showcases this exceptional Birthday illustration with three different color combinations.
Now that’s a brilliant way to get the most out of a drawing!
A maze can be a fun puzzle to occupy your time. Or it can also be a huge network of hedges and pathways, where getting lost can be a serious problem!
Mazes can be square, round, 2D, 3D, trapped, creature infested, or just plain impossible!
Your Flipnotes could involve mazes in any way you can think of.
Here’s some popular movies in which mazes feature:
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire / The Maze Runner / Labyrinth / Inception.
And here’s some classic computer games where mazes are a big part of the challenge:
Pac-Man / The Amazing Maze Game / Berzerk / Theseus & The Minataur / Corridors of Genon / 3D Monster Maze.
We hope they inspire you for a Flipnote creation.
We really love the way you're all so creative with these topics and look forward to seeing the Flipnotes you create for them.
Make sure to post your entries to the Weekly Topic channel Weekly Topic - Mazes and the deadline for your entries is February the 9th (12pm EST / 4pm GMT).
We would also encourage you to add a description to your Flipnotes, to highlight any details you’d like us to feature in our winner reviews.
Tip: The frame you save your Flipnote on will become the thumbnail, so choose your favorite or add a title page!
Keep on Flipnoting and the best of luck with your entries.
Topic - Suspense (February 9th)
Topic - Flipnote Thumbnails (February 16th)
Topic - Fake News (February 23rd)
Topic - Parachuting (March 2nd)