Hey there everyone, DeepRising here with the Weekly News Letter. There was a great response to last week's topic "Slime". Well done to everybody who entered. Here are the winning flipnotes.
We loved the action cycle of the many eyed slime creature in this entry by ☆Bunny☆.
FIREBIRD suggests the consistency of slime beautifully with the speeds of movement in this flipnote. The rippling of the slime surface adds greatly to the effect.
Our next choice is this nicely executed face drip flipnote by Froggy.
yuh. animates with line to create sticky, stretchy slime under foot and follows it up with a classic comedy fall in this entry.
In this next flipnote by Silverfang a wolf character drips with great "Slime Form" and cool sound effects. Also check out the little creatures peeking in at the top and bottom of the screen.
We were very impressed with the jumping block of slime in this next flipnote. NowhereCat animates with anticipation, squash and stretch to great effect.
mrjohn has created a cool slime fountain for this flipnote. We loved the gloopy consistency of the slime as it lands.
A man forms from a pool of slime in this nicely animated flipnote by donkeyhoof.
With Halloween almost upon us, and it being such a great topic for flipnotes, we've decided to make this Topic a two week Halloween special. It will start this week, as we lead up to it and continue into the following week in which Halloween is. Now-adays Halloween is celebrated with trick or treating in costumes, carving pumpkins into Jacko-lanterns, telling scary stories and watching spooky films. All the creepy, spooky undead creatures and monsters you can think of would be perfect characters for your Halloween flipnotes. Witches, ghosts, vampires, wear wolves, zombies, skeletons and creepy clowns to name but few. Why not try mixing them up to create new wacky ones. Scary movies could be a great source of inspiration too. Places and buildings like haunted houses, creepy castles and dark forests make great settings for scary shenanigans. Go ahead, really terrify us XD, but remember the rules guys, no blood. We really love the way your all so creative with these topics and look forward to seeing the flipnotes you create for them. Make sure to post your entries to the Two Week Special Topic channel, and the deadline for your entries is the 6th of November. Keep on flipnoting and the scariest of luck with your entries.