A blizzard which surrounds the foe, dealing anywhere from 65-625 HP damage.

Komentarze (4)
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  • Nick's zdjęcie profiloweNick• 2022-10-20 23:29:24 (7628908)

    Yeah, thanks you guys. I had actually tried a Mother type run, but the most I got was renaming Paula or Kumatora :I. I hope you guys are doing well. High school's hard, and it's the reason why I don't post many flipnotes daily like I used to. And as always, thanks.

  • Philsidian's zdjęcie profilowePhilsidian• 2022-10-20 23:18:09 (7628906)

    RE: 1. The one reason was because i had to start over from the rebrand and the new character replacing from Trianic as no longer return.
    2. Hello and don't mention it.

  • ☁Arakune☁• 2022-10-20 23:12:38 (7628904)

    RE: Thanks! Nice effect for a frosty attack. A Mother like series would be really cool with your own cast.

  • KanüKya×'s zdjęcie profiloweKanüKyaו 2022-10-20 22:49:42 (7628890)

    Oh thank you. and if I'm fine. that happened a long time ago. and I managed to forget it little by little.

Nick's zdjęcie profilowe
20th October 2022 18:50:48
  • Wyświetlenia91
  • Pobrania1
  • Komentarze4
  • ID Flipnote1BCH68
  • KanałEarthbound
  • RegionAmeryki
