I finally decided to enter a WT :D

Komentarze (5)
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  • Zowisky's zdjęcie profiloweZowisky• 2023-05-20 23:51:41 (7754422)

    Re: Thanks! ^-^

  • Dee's zdjęcie profiloweDee• 2023-05-20 01:41:11 (7754132)
    Rysowany komentarz stworzony przez Dee
  • ☁Arakune☁• 2023-05-19 20:24:26 (7753958)

    RE: Also, thank you^^ Rank#1 is never my goal but, is appreciated.

  • ☁Arakune☁• 2023-05-19 20:23:31 (7753957)

    RE: You’re welcome! It’s very true and helps when I practice your character.

  • ☁Arakune☁• 2023-05-19 19:21:42 (7753943)

    I swear I blink, then you improve again. Very cool shading and great background for your entry.

Bubbletea★'s zdjęcie profilowe
19th May 2023 16:30:16
