Audio bait lol. Original remix source is

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  • Spencer's zdjęcie profiloweSpencer• 2019-11-05 09:16:58 (6860263)

    Actually I got the other remix from so uh yeah

  • D3D4NKEST's zdjęcie profiloweD3D4NKEST• 2019-11-04 23:13:07 (6860109)

    (i downloaded the re-uploaded here in sudomemo) and star*(bad english typing)

  • D3D4NKEST's zdjęcie profiloweD3D4NKEST• 2019-11-04 23:11:19 (6860107)

    this seemed clickbait due to the start was normal and it sounds off and i have the re-uploaded and the whole thing doesn't sound high pitch(here is 1 start for this flip as your effort to find this other version

Spencer's zdjęcie profilowe
4th November 2019 18:55:25
  • Wyświetlenia111
  • Pobrania12
  • Komentarze3
  • ID FlipnoteNW4V2J
  • KanałFunny
  • RegionAmeryki

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Twórca: Spencer E.
FSID: 502F5A4065F1BB20