A more official way to introduce my OCs. This isn't all of them, but these are the main ones I draw.

Komentarze (4)
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  • OddBike's zdjęcie profiloweOddBike• 2023-04-13 08:00:37 (7741843)

    Beautiful art

  • ☁Arakune☁• 2023-03-26 16:58:37 (7734623)

    How fun. Lots of neat faces and great colorful molded personalities to experiment animation with in the future. Also, I can read your handwriting just fine, no worries. Nice cast of characters.

  • Zowisky's zdjęcie profiloweZowisky• 2023-03-26 15:23:03 (7734609)
    Rysowany komentarz stworzony przez Zowisky
  • Pegase's zdjęcie profilowePegase• 2023-03-26 12:48:28 (7734574)

    I apologize if my handwriting is hard to read! I'll try and make a document of some sort in case people need a translation lol

Pegase's zdjęcie profilowe
26th March 2023 12:44:48
  • Wyświetlenia215
  • Pobrania3
  • Komentarze4
  • ID FlipnoteV13AGF
  • KanałIllustrations
  • RegionAmeryki
