This is really only an audio test, I tried to get the audio as clean and as loud as possible without clipping or audio artifacts, so it might sound muffled and very quiet. Also on my old recording of this song, I used an old phone and it made the song constantly fluctuate in speed making it sound awful.

Kommentarer (4)
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  • JⒶck san😃s profilbildJⒶck san😃• 2023-10-05 18:38:41 (7806722)
    Ritad kommentar från JⒶck san😃
  • Q?Tron5000s profilbildQ?Tron5000• 2023-09-07 03:59:27 (7797690)
    Ritad kommentar från Q?Tron5000
  • JoseManueFs profilbildJoseManueF• 2023-09-05 00:31:36 (7796844)

    Thanks. you're welcome

  • Lesss profilbildLess• 2023-09-04 19:49:40 (7796750)

    So clean !

StarsArts★s profilbild
September 4th, 2023 19:38:47
  • Visningar288
  • Nedladdningar11
  • Kommentarer4
  • FlipnoteIDTHUS5Y
  • KanalReusable Audio
  • RegionAmericas

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