I'm no artist (hence why I hand-copied and adapted this drawing), but I wanted to express my gratitude for what SudoTama does here: stays active and posts regularly, and what better opportunity than now? Sure, there are others who do that, but she has always stood out to me. May today be filled with good news and joy!!

Comments (3)
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  • SudoTama • 2021-01-24 10:30:38 (7271083)

    Re: Yeah. It explains why I haven't posted in a week

  • SudoTama • 2021-01-14 16:15:43 (7256587)
    Drawn comment by SudoTama
  • Sup02😑's profile picture Sup02😑 • 2021-01-14 13:38:14 (7256395)
    Drawn comment by Sup02😑