My Entry into the Fray

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  • Josh's profile pictureJosh• 2021-02-13 17:17:28 (7292137)

    ...Please be patient, it will be worth it once you finally see your character in the series trust me. Just keep watching and if you havent watch my series The Mountain as well because The Downfall is a continuation to it:) stay safe fam!

  • Josh's profile pictureJosh• 2021-02-13 17:15:41 (7292136)

    Your character will debut in one of the episodes... episodes release every other week or depending on the scale of the episode, every month. Remember that I have to make people's characters debut into the series in a way that makes sense with the story and works so...

  • Josh's profile pictureJosh• 2021-02-03 18:02:50 (7282154)

    Your characters appearance will be altered to fit into the series. Watch my series to get an idea on how he will be reworked. Your example is just a reference so I know what to base the character on.

  • Josh's profile pictureJosh• 2021-01-30 22:12:49 (7278622)

    Hmm your character will be very interesting hahs

  • Josh's profile pictureJosh• 2021-01-30 18:08:07 (7278282)

    Thanks for joining! :) heads up I can't make your character part cat, its humans only but I can make it so he believes his father was a cat because he was raised by a tiger or something in a zoo, or I can just get rid of that and make your person normal. Let me know:)

FurryMLG's profile picture
January 30th, 2021 17:57:05
  • Views47
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  • Comments5
  • Flipnote IDQSYNCL
  • ChannelFlipnote Series
  • RegionAmericas

Daydream Believer The Monkees 2009 Starts at 00:22
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