March 12th, 2016: Sudomemo Weekly News.

Meow! This is Sudofox and User from the Sudomemo Staff, bringing you the latest edition of the Sudomemo Weekly News!!

Before anything else, we'd like to take a moment to apologise for the one-day delay in posting this article.

All of the Sudomemo Staff are volunteers; which means that we have to fit our time spent working on (and managing) Sudomemo into our personal lives. While we try our best to remain punctual, on rare occasions unforeseen circumstances can cause disruptions.

We will be working on trying to manage our time more efficiently to ensure that this doesn't happen again.

Thank you for understanding. (:

★ "1 Million Flipnotes" Theme Contest

As part of our celebration of the 1 millionth Flipnote being posted to Sudomemo, we announced a special theme design contest. You can find more information in this article here:

1 Million Flipnotes Event

This competition is now closed. The winners will be announced in stages over the next couple of weeks - this not only gives us enough time to create themes from the winning entries, but it also allows us to review all of your entries - the themes will then be released along with the Weekly News article that they're featured in!

★ Our Favorite Flipnotes from Last Week's Topic - "Pets"

JJOneechan made this very stylish and smoothly animated entry - we thought the panda was especially cute!

Every animal has a sound - but what does the fox say in this Flipnote by TruffleS?

We loved the artwork in this Flipnote by Bee:

This entry by Okai◇Wolf shows how close our pets can be to us, with a nicely animated story:

Alli AJ made this simple but super-cute MV:

You can view all of the entries for this topic by going to the Weekly Topic: Pets channel.

The creators of these Flipnotes have been given some color stars to use, as well as Sudomemo Citizenship!

★ Weekly Topic - "Robots"

This week, we would like you to make Flipnotes about "Robots". Perhaps you could make a Flipnote about a regular household item turning into a cool robot, or animate robot band performing a "chiptune" song.

We look forward to watching whatever you come up with!

Please make sure that you post your entry to the Weekly Topic: Robots channel before it closes on the 18th of March, when we will be featuring our favorite entries in the next Sudomemo Weekly News. You can also find all past and present Weekly Topic channels by going to category number 8 from the 'Channels' menu on your DSi.

★ Updates

Sudomemo utilises what's left of Flipnote Hatena in order to "log in" our users. Normally, this didn't produce any issues aside from the occasional error code, however - thanks to a glitch - on rare occasions it was possible that you could get logged in to another user's account.

We're very pleased to announce that a couple of days ago, Sudofox managed to successfully solve this issue. c:

That's everything for this edition of the Sudomemo Weekly News. See you next time!

If you have any suggestions, comments or questions, then please contact us via our email address: