Neruさんの楽曲イメ画MVです。超ノスタルジック!!原曲画を忠実に再現しつつ、ぜろわん味も取り入れたつもりです。曲:東京テディベア、ロストワンの号哭、優しい人になりたい、アブストラクト・ナンセンス、小生劇場、再教育 /小生劇場のイメ画難しすぎでした(絵師りゅうせーさんの独特な絵柄を真似るのと、アルバム限定曲?なのかあまり資料が無(ry)

Comments (6)
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  • こまりんてぃうす's profile pictureこまりんてぃうす• 2022-12-09 04:50:41 (7647631)
    Drawn comment by こまりんてぃうす
  • brayden's profile picturebrayden• 2022-11-26 02:32:43 (7641071)

    This is Neru's music video MV. Super nostalgic!! While faithfully reproducing the original song painting, I will also incorporate the taste of Zerowan. Song: Tokyo Teddy Bear, Lost One's Crying, I Want to be a kind person, Abstract Nonsense, Kosei Theater, Re-education / It was t

  • ☁Arakune☁• 2022-11-25 20:56:47 (7640928)

    RE: You're welcome! English is difficult, so it's ok! I’m happy to support when I am active here ( ^-^ )/

  • ニコニコデルタ's profile pictureニコニコデルタ• 2022-11-24 04:04:40 (7640347)
    Drawn comment by ニコニコデルタ
  • ☁Arakune☁• 2022-11-24 02:37:56 (7640331)
    Drawn comment by ☁Arakune☁
  • Lostel's profile pictureLostel• 2022-11-24 02:07:48 (7640327)
    Drawn comment by Lostel
ぜろわん's profile picture
November 24th, 2022 01:58:59
  • Views1,038
  • Downloads15
  • Comments6
  • Flipnote IDVBDLYZ
  • ChannelMusic Videos
  • RegionJapan

ロストワンの号哭 鏡音リン・レン 2013 Starts at 01:20