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About Matt
 5CF3D93031CC5C5B YouTube
  • Rank3,437
  • Flipnotes79
  • Views9,705
  • Downloads304
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  • 107
  • Stars★1 ★5 ★33 ★4,601
Matt's ★s are from:
  • United States
  • Mexico
  • Norway
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Trophy Case
  • 10th Birthday Bash: Attended Sudomemo's 10th Birthday Bash event
  • Sudomemo's Fifth Birthday Party: Attended Sudomemo's fifth birthday party
  • Weekly Topic Winner: Submit a winning entry to Sudomemo's Weekly Topic
Fans (107)
  • Jose
  • Mya-Nee
  • DrunkGecko
  • mrjohn
  • DrunkGecko
  • Cap_Vice
  • cat time!
  • box
  • JoseFigueC
  • Wolfengard
  • Might-X
  • MⒶZOkidox
  • Newman69!©
  • Tugay Dost
  • ovvyie😔
  • Q?Tron5000
  • gigi
  • kingkawaii
  • DEE_2
  • Cloudyboi☀
  • Titan2001
  • ¢hri$
  • ShadowFox
  • Arandino
  • SunbroR0b
  • →←GunN→←
  • LvlXshadow
  • Rex Black
  • PapaJohn
  • HeroDraken
  • dq38
  • 😃
Recent comments
  • owen
  • Drawn comment by kozlov
    kozlovno they are not, it isn't covering the whole gas cloud that surrounds the solar system.
  • Dee
  • Dee
  • Drawn comment by Mya-Nee
    Mya-NeeA lot of cleanup, I rarely use the start/select option for my artworks(except some small stuff/fixed and sprites)